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- / /__| |__| | | | | |_) |_| |_| |____| | | |__| |/ \ v1.1
- /_____|\____/|_| |_|____/|_____|______|_| \____//_/ \_\
- originally written for
- the LudumDare 48 hr contest 2004
- .: LICENSE :.
- This game is free. You may play it as much as you want.
- Give it to your friends and let them play too. However,
- this game may not be part of a commercial package of any
- kind without permission from the author. See contact
- details below.
- Every now and then contests are held with the objective to
- create a game in limited time. Zombiepox was originally
- written for the LudumDare 48 hour contest 2004, where it
- placed second in the graphics category and 14 in overall
- of 56 entries. Since then the game has gone through a few
- changes, and this is the final product. We hope you will
- enjoy it, have fun!
- .: THE STORY :.
- You are our only hope! Our once so lovely neighbourhood
- has turned into a really scary place and zombies have
- appeared! With your trustworthy brain-dispenser it's up
- to you to replace the brains of the zombies in order
- to stop them from eating our brains and killing innocents.
- .: CONTROLS :.
- It's very simple! Use the arrows to move and press space
- to place a brain. You can only place a brain when your
- brain meter is full. If you have picked up dynamite the
- brains you place will be equipped with explosives all by
- themselves.
- If you press and hold 'M' a small map of the level will
- be shown.
- You can pause the game by pressing esc. To end the game
- before it's finished, press esc again while paused.
- .: GAME PLAY :.
- Zombies roam the lands, eating the brains of innocents.
- Place brains in front of the zombies. You complete the
- level if all zombies are turned back into humans. You
- lose the game if all humans are turned into zombies
- including yourself. You can see the human/zombie ratio
- on the meter to the right.
- Don't lose all hope if you are turned into a zombie, if
- you have placed a lot of brains on the level, chances are
- that you might be lucky enough to pick up one yourself.
- If there are no brains left though, then it's game over.
- .: SCORING :.
- You get points for every second that you are in human shape.
- The higher the current level is, the more points you get.
- On level 1 you get 1 point per second, on level 2 you get
- 2 points and 3 points on level 3 and so on.
- Every zombie that is turned into a human scores 100 points
- on level 1, 200 points on level 2, 300 on level 3 and so
- on. Do you see the pattern?
- If you're sitting on the source distribution of this game
- you might be interested that it was made with Allegro 4.0.3
- and should easily be compiled to any platform Allegro
- supports (I hope!). The music playback is provided through
- DUMB, so make sure you have that on your system. You might
- have to make some changes in the makefile if you don't have
- winres.exe on your system.
- Some handy links:
- Allegro: http://alleg.sf.net
- DUMB: http://dumb.sf.net
- Zombies are, as we all know, not too bright. Dangerous but
- not very clever. The zombies try to get the human closest
- to them but they're not so good at picking their path. This
- sometimes leads to zombies just standing around behind
- obstacles doing nothing. Use this to your advantage and
- replace their brains before they spot you.
- Free Lunch Design is an independent game developer from
- Sweden. Our aim is to create small, high quality games,
- where gameplay is in focus.
- Zombiepox was written by Johan Peitz. Johan also made the
- graphics and the sounds. The music was written by Anders
- Svensson.
- Visit us on the web: http://www.freelunchdesign.com
- If you have comments, bug reports, or just want to ask
- something you can contact Free Lunch Design by e-mail.
- We do however get a lot of mail and it might take a while
- before we answer, so if you have a question please check
- the online FAQs and forums first.
- E-Mail: info (at) freelunchdesign (dot) com
- If you want to support Free Lunch Design in monetary ways,
- please enter our web site (see above) and click our
- sponsors a few times. You can also donate money from the
- site via PayPal.
- Free Lunch Design does not accept responsibility for any
- effects, adverse or otherwise, that this software may have
- on you, your computer, your sanity, your dog, or anything
- else that you can think of. Use it at your own risk. We
- have, however, never experienced any trouble with it.
- .: THE END :.